Belgium Investment Immigration Programs Overview.
Belgium does not have an investment program per se. However, applying for the professional card and setting up a business in the country can lead to residency and citizenship. It is far from being the most popular route to settling in Belgium, but immigration lawyers say they’ve been seeing an increase in cases over the years.
Regional ministries of economy and employment handle the applications so it’s important to pick the region for the business (Brussels, Wallonia or Flanders region.) There is no minimum investment by law, but authorities make it clear that entrepreneurs must engage in professional activity and contribute to the Belgian economy. This is a strict requirement. It takes about six months to get a residence permit. Investors can live in Belgium and have their families join them. After five years of uninterrupted legal stay, entrepreneurs can qualify for permanent residence or Belgian citizenship. Overall, Belgium is an attractive spot to relocate because of its central location within European Union and the country’s business-friendly spirit, immigration experts say.